About Palio del Torrione Palio del Torrione arose in 1997 from the cooperation between Pro Loco of Mordano and two associations of Bubano: the sports association U.S. Placci and the theater company “La Quasi Stabile”. Due to the great participation of volunteers, this celebration is also known as “Festinsieme”, which means “Celebrating together”. The re-enactment is inspired by two events that are part of the town history: on one hand, the legend of the presence of a dragon in the land around Bubano (maybe a snake or a break of plague), that occurred around 1200; on the other hand, the real and documented presence of Caterina Sforza at the end of 15th century.
What is the Palio? Each Rione (district) in which the town is divided has to choose his own team, which is composed by a “Lady” and four “Knights”. This team is ready for the challenge, that has to deal with a castle having two towers, and a dragon. At first, two teams are selected and their “Ladies” climb on one tower each, bringing a spear, that they have to use to center the dragon that hangs upon the middle of the castle. In order to help them, the four “Knights” have to push the castle. Therefore they can approach their tower to the dragon pushing away the “enemies”.
The symbols of the four "Rione"